Craig Pilling Podcast

Craig Pilling Podcast #14 - Podcast 14



Craig explains his genius plan how, if you're northern, you can keep cool in Summer and get a nice snack for breakfast (it involves mushy peas)...The Top 10 list of genuine comments written in the customer suggestions book of a certain supermarket in Burnley (that Craig has stolen)...If you're a celeb with your own perfume range, Craig unveils the new rules about what it must smell like...Craig's new obsession is the headlines of silly gossip magazines. Can you spot which are real and which are lies in 'Real Life or Fake Life?'...The 'Internet Hall of Fame' is graced with the presence of a piano playing cat, and a Japanese game show involving stacking ham on a dog's head ...Craig unwisely announces it is another 'Rubbish Joke Day' on the show, and manages 1 hour and 10mins of your low quality humor before he caves-in (10mins more than last time)...And it's disappointment all round as the first annual 'Seagull Powered Go-kart Race' is cancelled...