Econix Talks

Podcast Announcement: Dear Listener...



Dear Listeners, I first want to thank you for all of your support. I cannot do this without you all. As you all know it takes a ton of energy and time to run a platform. Over the last few months things have changed in my personal life and my family has had some deaths in a short period of time. With all of this happening at once it's gotten more and more difficult to maintain the podcast.A year ago I'd try to power through this but that would be a disservice to myself and you all. It would only cause more and more burnout. Not to worry, this break won't be for long. I just need a little time to recharge and figure out a healthier way to handle my workload without going crazy. This short break will also allow me to shoot for the stars and try to get some higher profile guests for you all. I want to always give you all my best so when I do return I will come back with that same energy. I plan on being gone about 2 to 3 weeks. Until then, there are over 100 episodes in the archive - all still avai