Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

"You can either choose to be a victim... Or you can choose to stand up": Tania Garrett - Vice President, International Employee Experience at Adobe



Tania GarrettLeila is joined by Tania Garrett - Vice President, International Employee Experience at Adobe.IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT· Tania’s working-class background and how the lack of a pigeonholing approach from her parents led her to embrace a spirit of open-mindedness· How Tania dealt with being harassed by a male business leader in the workplace earlier in her career, and how this has engendered a determination to further the cause of D&I· The importance of allyship to ensuring that businesses and ERGs/networks within do not become too “siloed”· How D&I has evolved from merely focusing on “representation when hiring”RESOURCES & INFORMATION MENTIONEDhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/tania-garrett-29464332/Continue the conversation on LinkedIn