Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

"We want our teams to be happy at work, because when you're happy at work, you're vastly more productive", Josh Partridge, Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa Region at Yahoo



Today Leila is joined by Josh Partridge, Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa Region at YahooJosh Partridge is the newly appointed Head of EMEA at Yahoo having previously been the MD of the UK, Verizon Media. Josh hails from Brisbane, Australia and has spent the last 18 years living and working in the UK and Europe. Yahoo is one of the most recognised brands of all time. The brands and businesses are tightly woven into consumers’ daily habits and clients’ strategies. They have the opportunity to drive real value creation - to make lives easier, better.LEARN MORE ABOUT:- Why businesses need to look at a global approach when setting strategies - "You will fail with an English only strategy"- The strength in feeling a sense of belonging and living and breathing diversity within the workplace - "Our teams are what makes this business great and it’s the diversity of thought that comes with a team from a diverse range of backgrounds that is a great strength as we build towards the future"- Jos