

Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  One of the most vital steps in learning to truly love yourself starts with one simple question: “Who am I?” If you’ve been conditioned like many of us to be someone you really aren’t to make other people happy, you may believe that being what people want gives you security – in your relationships, in your job… but it’s really a false sense of security because it’s based on a version of you that doesn’t exist. If you’ve never asked yourself “Who am I?”, you may have no idea what you need or what would make you happy. True security comes from knowing who you are and building a bullet-proof belief in yourself. On this episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, Jackie Mott ~ Mindset and Empowerment Expert ~ will share with you the most important thing you can do to learn to love and value yourself. It’s a process and it will likely take some effort, but the payoff is priceless! You are beautiful and brilliant and amazing just as you are, exactly as you are right now! What could chan