Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

You Can’t Be Yourself In Business.. and Other Big Fat Lies



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  You Can’t Be Yourself in Business… and Other Big Fat Lies Have you had this Big Fat Lie slowing you down in your life and business, that to make a big impact or have a thriving business you simply cannot be yourself? In this week’ episode of Big Fat Lies we will be taking on the BFL’s of being yourself in business. How being real and raw and you is not the train wreck you have been led to believe it is and how it doesn’t actually work the way you think it does… the more authentic you are, the more on mission you are, the BETTER. Listen to this show if you are asking questions like: HOW DO I BE MYSELF // WHO DO MY CLIENTS WANT ME TO BE // SHOULD I BE AFRAID OF MY CLIENTS KNOWING ABOUT MY REAL LIFE // IS BEING MYSELF IN BUSINESS BAD // HOW DO I BE MYSELF AND GET WEALTHY DOING IT // WHAT ARE BUSINESS OWNERS DOING DIFFERENTLY IN 2021 TO BE AUTHENTIC // WHAT CAN I DO DIFFERENTLY TO BE MORE OF MYSELF IN BUSINESS But beware, Jennifer’s clients are experiencing positive differ