The Kathleen Riessen Show

Leading People that Drive You Nuts! Kathleen Riessen



The Kathleen Riessen Show  Imagine working with people just like you - they think like you, act like you and work like you. While it sounds nice, it would become just as frustrating as working with people completely opposite of you! So what do you do? Today's show is dedicated to learning how to lead people that are different than you and embrace the messiness of purposefully surrounding yourself with someone who pushes your buttons.   Kathleen’s Book: Joy in Uncertainty: A Guide to Creating a Meaningful Life Purchase on     *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About The Kathleen Riessen Show ~  As a former Certified Public Accountant turned marketing strategist turned serial entrepreneur, Kathleen has coached and consulted with over a thousand executives and entrepreneurs. What she’s learned is that the number one strategy to grow a business and create what you want in life lies in your ability to be vulnerable and authentic and to surre