Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

5 Steps To Increase Your Patience & Wealth ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Did you know there is a direct correlation between and increase of Patience and Wealth? Would you be willing to experiment with learning to increase both your patience and your wealth? This week I noticed a direct correlation to the places in my life where I was willing to take the slow route to an increased level of prosperity and abundance and want to share the downloads with you about a step by step process to have more by being willing to be slow about it. As a Manifesting Generator type, of course I want it all now..but if that means I have to give up too much abundance and prosperity, then I am willing to sit on my hands to accomplish it. In this live event I am going to share with you: 5 Steps to Increase your Patience and Wealth. Master these 5 steps, you will begin to attract abundance in wealth, health, happiness and loving relationships. Our 4 Pillars in Sorceress of Success! Why? As a fellow highly sensitive person, who happens to have a business working wi