Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How Do You Communicate With Money? ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  If Communicating with Money and having a better Relationship with Having Money is your Ask for 2022 then you will want to tune into this series. How You Communicate with Money is stopping you from having way more than enough of it. My FRIENDS It’s time to Have MO MO Fun MO Happiness MO Vitality MO Romance And what is the #1 thing we pretend is stopping us from having it? MO-ney If I only had MO (money) I would choose (this thing)… That is the juiciest Big Fat Lie of this reality. So, knowing this.. What do you choose instead? How about building a relationship with your relationship with money? I recently came across a very compelling article about having a long lasting loving relationship and that there must be 5 C’s to have a healthy love relationship. I previously facilitated on Intimacy with Money.. but sheesh people, if you can’t even get a date with money, good luck getting intimate with it. The C’s are Communication Commitment Compassion Compatibility Chemistry H