Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Harnessing Manifestor Energy: Effective Communication Strategies For A Peaceful Life



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  If you are a Manifestor in the Human Design system, you know that your energy is unique, powerful and designed to be at peace. Your strategy is to inform the right people of what it is you are planning next, but often, you might inform the wrong people, which can create chaos and resistance in your life which is the opposite of peace. In this masterclass, we will explore effective communication strategies that will help you navigate your Manifestor energy and create a peaceful life. You will learn how to communicate with the right people, how to set boundaries and manage expectations, and how to use your energy to achieve your goals without causing chaos or resistance. We will cover topics such as: Understanding the Manifestor energy type Identifying the right people to inform Communicating your plans effectively Setting boundaries and managing expectations Dealing with resistance and opposition Using your energy to achieve your goals without causing chaos This masterc