Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Inviting Projector Success – Effective Communication Strategies | Human Design



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you ready to unlock the power of the Human Design Projector within you? Are you looking for the insights and knowledge to help guarantee success and satisfaction in your life? As a Projector in Human Design, you hold capabilities to look deeply into someone's soul and uncover the exact things they need to do for a successful and fulfilling life. However, without an invitation, your advice or feedback may be ignored or even shunned by the very people you could be helping. Ra, the founder/creator of the Human Design system, calls Projectors “The Administrators of the New World Order. ” To make sure you are recognized and invited to be THE Consultant, it is important to understand the secrets to effectively communicate your soul satisfaction specialist insights and maximize personal success for both yourself and your ideal clients. Join us for the Human Design Projectors Communication Masterclass, where you will uncover the essential skills that will make sure that yo