Golf Strategy School Podcast

How to Quiet Your Mind - Josh in Las Vegas



  Today's podcast is the first in our series: GSA Q&A where we take questions from our Golf Strategy Academy members and answer them on the podcast.  Today's question is from Josh in Las Vegas about how he can change his habit of spending too much time over the ball. What you'll Learn Coping techniques for an over active mind Geoff Greig's go to method to help golfers ditch extra swing thoughts and focus on rhythm. Dave Heinen's technique to prevent those thoughts from ever sinking in in the first place! Here's a secret that pros do, but you don't.  THEY JOURNAL!  Get my FREE 5 Minute Golf Journal so you can learn to analyze like a pro! GET THE JOURNAL No time to listen?  Here's the transcript! Hey Golf Strategy School Marty back with you here again and today we're featuring a question from a Golf Strategy Academy member Joshua out of Las Vegas sent an email wondering, and I love this question because Joshua saying he's struggling with too many