Garlic Marketing Show

LinkedIn Lead Generation for IT companies with Rob Hochstein | Contact Pro Marketing



Unleash the Power of Outbound Marketing! Dive into outbound marketing with Rob Hawk on the Garlic Marketing Show! Rob reveals B2B success stories, leveraging LinkedIn for mega-deals, and the 4 pillars of winning campaigns: targeting, messaging, a solid call to action, and sales meeting strategies. Discover the power of video for trust-building and get top tips for consistent results. Unlock the secrets to B2B success today! Tune in now and learn the secret to skyrocketing your B2B sales by establishing strong connections and driving conversions! What You’ll Learn:Why Linkedin Is WorkingCracking the Code of Waking up to a Booked Sales Calls or Booked CallsFinding the Smallest Hinge that Swings the Biggest: Secrets of Outbound Success$2 million Recruiting Opportunity Comes OutboundOvercoming IT Challenges: How to Secure 20 Deals in the First MonthThe Right Way to Ask for a Sales ConversationDo you have an emotional problem preventing $ 10 million in salesTurn around LinkedIn spamAn inexpensive way to learn the