Bucks To Business

June Land Broker Mastermind: Strategies for The Current Real Estate Market



On this episode from the June Land Broker Mastermind, Kasey Mock breaks down data on the real estate market, stating that there are too many Realtors for the current demand but believes that there is still enough opportunity for anyone to make a living or even earn a million dollars. He compares navigating a shifted market to how American buffaloes charge through storms instead of running away, emphasizing that leaning into challenges leads to faster success. Kasey stresses knowing one's numbers and viewing business as a math equation in order to adapt successfully during market shifts. He discusses agent categories based on performance levels and explains that churn during previous recessions primarily occurred in the middle tier rather than at the top or bottom levels.  Kasey discusses how the market has been impacted by various factors such as political circumstances, COVID-19, and low interest rates that have prevented necessary corrections from happening.  He explains why it is crucial to understand mark