
Wellness Wednesdays: Releasing Emotional Attachments, Creating Core Value Alignment, Re-Defining Your Relationship With Failure, Lowering My InnerAge, Understanding Your Family Health History | #25



Here's what I'll be covering in this episode: 1. Mindful Moment - I guide us through three deep breaths, and an awareness practice to release attachment to the thoughts we think and the emotions we feel. Experience the liberating power of letting go, cultivating a sense of inner peace and presence. 2. Mindful Reflection - We explore the latest prompt from the latest volume of the Generational Wellness Digest: "What are my core values, and how am I aligning my actions and choices with them?" I share my personal process of identifying core values and the strategies I employ to ensure alignment between my values and actions. Gain insights into creating a meaningful and purpose-driven life through conscious choices. 3. Check-In - I share the exciting results from my latest InsideTracker bloodwork test. Explore the concept of biological age and my journey of lowering my inner age since the beginning of this year. I discuss the significance of investing in collecting bloodwork data and leveraging