Leave Your Mark

#24 - A Performance Conversationalist with Stephen Norris



This Episode features Stephen Norris who for many years has been one of Canada's leaders in human performance.  He is a powerful combination of pure and applied acumen and his influence on Canada's high-performance sports system is far-reaching.  An Englishman of birth, his adoption of Canada as his home has been a gift to our Olympic athletes and the professionals and organizations who serve them.  At this stage in his career, his focus is on empowering others to build and support our great athletes, and he has become a widely sought after performance conversationalist.If you liked this EP, please take the time to rate and comment, share with a friend, and connect with us on social channels IG @Kingopain, TW @BuiltbyScott, LI+FB Scott Livingston. All things LYM at www.LYMLab.com, download your free Life Lab Starter Kit today and get busy living https://lymlab.com/free-lym-lab-starter/