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#45 - The Brave Art of Motherhood with Rachel Martin



This episode features Rachel Martin.  Having pulled herself up from poverty to being named one of Inc. magazine's top 40 entrepreneurs, she’s been writing online for over a decade. She is the writer behind the site FindingJoy.net and author of the life-changing, find-your-heart book The Brave Art of Motherhood. Her site reaches millions, her content has been translated into over 25 languages and she has a robust, engaged Facebook community. Rachel believes in the power of the human spirit to overcome, to thrive and to find deep joy and because of that, she pours her heart out through many platforms.  Beyond writing, speaking, podcasting, designing, media, and consulting, Rachel is the mom to seven (yes 7) kids.?   If you liked this EP, please take the time to rate and comment, share with a friend, and connect with us on social channels IG @Kingopain, TW @BuiltbyScott, LI+FB Scott Livingston. All things LYM at www.LYMLab.com, download your free Life Lab Starter Kit today and get busy living https://lymlab