Leave Your Mark

My Friend Dana Lis Flips the Mic on Me



In this EP a good friend of mine and colleague flips the mic on me and we get talking about everything and anything.  Mostly about life, learning, choices good and bad, decision-making, priorities, mindset, parenting, partnering, and much more.  It was a great conversation and likely one in a series. I appreciated having someone else steward the conversation and keep me on point. We hope you enjoy the ride!If you liked this EP, please take the time to rate and comment, share with a friend, and connect with us on social channels IG @Kingopain, TW @BuiltbyScott, LI+FB Scott Livingston. All things LYM at www.LYMLab.com, download your free Life Lab Starter Kit today and get busy living https://lymlab.com/free-lym-lab-starter/