Brand Yourself

232: Everything You Need to Create a Magnetic Website



Today’s episode dives into one of the core elements of launching and running a business – the creation of your website. Essentially, the online storefront that is home to your brand and the foundation of your business – including: Your core message Your story and mission Your offers Your deeper content like a blog or podcast Your client testimonials and more I like to think of your website as the center of your business’s online presence. Because everything you do from a content perspective on social media and via email is meant to pull people back to your website. Whether that’s to a sales page, a post, or a lead magnet. But how do you ensure that your website is strong and going to work for you once those people land there? In today’s episode, I share 5 key steps you must take to ensure your website is not only beautiful, but also performs for you! And by perform, I mean, getting your website visitors to sign up for your email list, email you about your offers, or buy right there on the spot. Inside, I al