Taxi Tv

What To Do AFTER TAXI Forwards Your Music![071023]



TAXI member, Greg Carrozza was on a panel about this topic at last year's Road Rally, and he's discussed aspects of it on various episodes of TAXI TV. But, I've yet to give him the floor to do a much deeper dive about it on TAXI TV. That all changes on this week's episode! In Greg's own words, "I’d talk about what to do after you get a forward, how to manage your expectations and attitude, how to deal with people when they contact you, how to be prepared for that, how to communicate, how to create deliverables, and more." The Upside... Doing things right can create a trusted relationship with a music library. The kind of relationship that lasts for years, and gets you to what some might call, "the front of the line," when it comes to having an open door with the library, getting briefs sent directly to you, having your music requested for special projects, etc. The Downside? The opposite of living in that rarified world can be caused by doing some dopey stuff during your first contact with the company, or