Leave Your Mark

Sell Them What They Want - Give Them What They Need with Alex Dziri



EP 301 is a high-value session with marketing and brand-building expert, Alex Dziri.  Alex helped build the extremely successful podcasting and online education brand, London Real.  He helped to take a small start-up business in podcasting and turn it into a world-recognized brand providing education on how to podcast, how to accelerate your business, and how to live a higher quality life.  He left London Real to go into his own consulting and coaching career and brings a wealth of knowledge in this area to the listener.  I invited him on the show to help our listeners who wish to start or improve their businesses, have greater success, and avoid some of the pitfalls of sales and marketing.  Even if you don't have or want a business, believe it or not, you are selling yourself to employers or clients, and having this knowledge is essential.  Enjoy!  If after listening, you wish to get a hold of Alex, you can find him at his website https://www.alexanderdziri.com/If you liked this EP, please take the time