Wise Women Conversations

The Secret to Thriving in Menopause Without HRT



Welcome back to the Menopause Conversations Podcast! In this episode, we are going on a personal journey, sharing of experiences and discoveries in menopause. Get ready to be inspired and empowered as we delve into a story of transformation and importance of personalised health. I, a naturopath, kinesiologist, and personalised health coach, has dedicated my career to women's health and gut health. However, when it came to menopause, I found myseld unprepared and unaware of its true impact. Menopause was not given much attention during my naturopathic studies, and my knowledge was limited to common symptoms like hot flushes and mood swings. It wasn't until I experienced perimenopause firsthand that I understood the complexity of this transitional phase. During perimenopause, I had just given birth to my second child and attributed the physical and emotional changes to the demands of motherhood and a busy clinic. However, as my symptoms persisted and worsened, I began to connect the dots and realised th