Inside Education On 103.2 Dublin City Fm

Programme 359, Thomas Moore on Spirituality Education (27-3-19)



Presented and produced by Seán Delaney Theme tune by David Vesey This week my guest is Thomas Moore who gave a talk on "The Inner Landscape of the Educator in Difficult Times" in Marino Institute of Education earlier this year. Among the topics we discussed are: How as a culture we prefer training to education and the differences between them Where he would like education to take place Why the colours, sounds, images and textures around you matter when you learn Source of curriculum: What does it mean to be an educated person? What it requires of each of us to be human, to be good citizens The spiritual nature of humans in our search for meaning Having students go on a “pilgrimage” back to their childhood to get in touch with their essential selves Aspects of spirituality religions have traditionally ignored in their emphases on dogmatism and moralism Exploring basic questions through literature and the arts He referred to Homer’s Odyssey, Horton Foote's play The Trip to Bountiful, and the poets Emily Dicki