Inside Education On 103.2 Dublin City Fm

Programme 379, Nell Duke on Literacy Education (13-11-19)



Presented and produced by Seán Delaney On this week's podcast I speak to Professor Nell Duke from the University of Michigan School of Education about literacy education and project-based instruction. Professor Duke was a keynote speaker at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Literacy Association of Ireland. Among the wide range of topics we discuss on the podcast and the resources mentioned are the following:   The role of project-based literacy in promoting reading and writing development The importance of purpose and audience for children’s writing Sources of project ideas: Edutopia, PBL works, Nell’s website Identifying sources of project in local communities Incorporating student voice and choice into projects Teacher preparation to design the flow of a project work with students Nell’s website – Inside Information Downloadables The importance of audience beyond teachers, parents and grandparents Working alone versus working in groups on projects At what age can children begin to work on project-based lite