Curious Fox Podcast

Talking to Kids about Sex, Gender, and Relationships with Cory Silverberg (Interview)



What is the distinction between talking with children about their bodies, about sexuality, and about sex? And why is it important to talk about each? What are some barriers for adults to have these conversations with the children in their lives? How can we ensure that our conversations about sex are age appropriate…and what does “age appropriate” mean anyway?In this episode, Effy and Jacqueline chat with children’s non-fiction author Cory Silverberg about having expansive conversations with children about sex and sexuality, including consent, body autonomy, pleasure, relationships, and identity - all grounded in the child’s experience. They discuss the building blocks that support honest dialogue between children and trusted adults, as well as some of the barriers and pitfalls adults can come across when talking to the kids in their lives.More about CoryRaised in the 1970s by a children’s librarian and a sex therapist, Cory grew up to be a sex educator, author, and queer person who smiles a lot when they talk