Homers Leadership Podcast

27. How To Handle Criticism



Big thought:   One thing that comes with the role of being a leader is being heavily criticized. You become the focal point of the organization with a fish bowl effect, and some people will feel no hesitation in voicing their disagreements on how you handle certain things. While many aspiring leaders expect some criticism from the role, I think that many are surprised by who ends up getting upset, what they’re upset about and how they go about voicing their criticisms. In this episode I’m going to unpack some clearer expectations that you can have as a leader when it comes to criticism, I’m going to show you how to filter the criticism in a healthy way, and I’m going to share my ideas on how you should respond to these instances. The reason that this is so important to talk about is because many leaders end up getting blind sided by certain criticism. It’s easy to respond out of emotion in a way that doesn’t necessarily positively represent your leadership. And even worse, many leaders get overwhelmed at t