Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

Innovation really profits from different kinds of people coming together: Christoph Bauer, Innovation Evangelist at Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking



Christoph Bauer: Innovation Evangelist at Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking (SGCIB)Leila is joined by Christoph Bauer, Innovation Evangelist at Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT· How innovation specifically can profit from different groups of people coming together to form something new· How diversity of thought is leading to us all becoming more generalist in terms of “soft skills” e.g. empathy, communication, team leadership, etc.· The growing importance of emotional intelligence as a commodity for business leaders in an ever more digital world· How important it is to be able to demonstrate your vulnerable side at work as an employee· Christoph’s admiration for diverse/different cultural artists such as Björk and Stanley Kubrick RESOURCES & INFORMATION MENTIONEDTwitter @christophbauerhttps://de.linkedin.com/in/bauerchristoph Continue the conversation on LinkedIn