Curious Fox Podcast

Relationship Escalator, Solo Poly, and Singledom-by-Choice with Amy Gahran (Interview)



Is a relationship a success only if it progresses in a socially prescribed sequence of states from dating to till-death-do-us-apart - also known as the relationship escalator? What is solo polyamory and how is it different from good-old-fashion dating? Why does single-by-choice carry so much stigma?  Effy and Jacqueline invite journalist and author Amy Gahran to the show to discuss the relationship escalator, what it looks like to get off it or opt out of it in the first place, solo polyamory, voluntary singledom, couple’s privilege and its flip side, singleism.  Guiding us in this conversation is Amy Gahran (AKA Aggie Sez)Amy Gahran is the author of "Stepping Off the Relationship Escalator: Uncommon Love and Life." She lives in Colorado. Some people know Amy by her old pen name, Aggie Sez. the showConnect with us on IG and more:Curious Fox @wearecuriousfoxesEffy Blue @coacheffyblueJacqueline Misla @jacquelinemisla Email us or send a voice