

Have you ever been in one place when you were supposed to be in another? As Christians, we are called to live in the world but not of the world. Because of Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross we are free from the power of sin, and yet still not free from the presence of sin. We are called to depend wholly upon Christ and at the same time to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. On this earth, we live with this holy tension. In many ways we live life in between. In between what is already positionally true now, but still not yet practically realized. In this next series, we will explore how to live in between. We’ll study through how to live in between sinner and saint, in between the questions and the answers, in between the promise and the promised land, in between God and Caesar, and in between knowing and doing. This practical series will serve as a guide for how to live life now, in the in between.