Horse Wise

Under pressure? Be the release.



Episode 83: Under pressure with your horse? Become the release for him, the open door that guides him to peace. And remember — it’s never too late to become what you might have been. At least that's what George Eliot said. At Horse Wise, I teach people tools so that they can learn how to coach themselves and their horses to progress together as a team. It’s a fun process that shows you how build a good partnership with your horse (in a practical, straightforward way). If you’d like more information on mindset practices, audio coaching or general Horse Wise Services, please visit our website for more information:  And if you’d like to keep up with our news and updates, please join our email list or follow us on social media:  If you love the podcast and want more in-depth study,  please check out Horse Wise Scholars at Each month, the group studies a specific po