Highlights The Malliard Report

Navigating the Spiritual Evolution of the Aquarian Age with Dick Larson



Discover the fascinating world of Ageless Wisdom Teachings and the spiritual path they offer for the Aquarian Age in this enlightening conversation with our guest, Dick Larson. With a diverse background from serving in the Air Force to teaching and counseling, Dick shares his insights into the spiritual evolution of humanity and the potential arrival of a great teacher to guide us through our challenges. Join us as we journey through the concept of Masters of the Wisdom, who have the option to inspire humanity from behind the scenes. We discuss the possibility of these Masters returning, and their potential role in laying the groundwork for a better future. Learn how prayer, meditation, and service can act as powerful tools for spiritual growth, and how incorporating these practices into our daily lives can lead to profound personal transformation. As we explore the symbolism of Pisces and Aquarius, we discuss the coming of Jesus and Maitreya, and the evolution of the Christian religion. Our conversation de