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Screen Australia announces $6M fund for game development, here is how it all works



After seven years without any federal government support for the games industry, a new grant program called the $6 million Games Expansion Pack from Screen Australia was announced on Friday last week. This program replaces a successful but prematurely cancelled fund called the Australian Interactive Games Fund which was axed when this government came to power in 2014. Our guests on this episode are Paul Turbett of Black Lab Games, one the original recipients of the AIGF, speaks of the huge impact this small funding had on his business Ron Curry of IGEA, Australia's peak game development body, shares the campaigning and lobbying it took to bring this fund to life Lee Naimo, Head of Online at Screen Australia, runs through why it happened now and how it all works and John Daskalopoulos, CEO of Not Doppler, who was part of the funding announcement with Minister Paul Fletcher shares how much of a difference this funding could have made, and what opportunities it'll allow now SIFTER is produced by Nicho