Swiss Banking Lawyers Podcast

Are Bonds Attractive Again?



The interest rates are increasing. The stocks are suffering. Are bonds attractive again? Yes. Let's have a closer look in this podcast episode by Enzo Caputo featuring Helge Müller from Geneve Invest, a very successful corporate bonds investor. Helge Müller is one of the best bond experts in Switzerland. He is a Swiss asset manager operating in Geneva. He achieved excellent results for our clients based on a well-structured bond portfolio. He takes between 50 and 100 corporate bonds to ensure proper diversification. Investing in bonds is not an easy task. You have to engage an expert that takes care of your portfolio. The investments must be well-diversified. The short durations must be controlled. Diversification is key. Let's assume you have 50 corporate bonds. If one company goes bust, you lose 2% only. Stay in touch with Caputo & Partners AG Contact Enzo Caputo, Swiss Banking Lawyer at +41 44 212 44 04 or email or visit our official website https://swiss-banking-lawye