Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

People are universes that walk: Dennis Ossipov-Grodsky, CEO/Founder at agile5.co and ex-Head of Vayner Consulting and SVP Digital Strategy at VaynerMedia



Dennis Ossipov-Grodsky: CEO/Founder at agile5.co Leila is joined by Dennis Ossipov-Grodsky, CEO/Founder at agile5.co and ex-Head of Vayner Consulting and SVP Digital Strategy at VaynerMedia IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT· Dennis’ exciting new venture in growth mentoring for CEOs of SMEs· The importance of freedom of expression, personal growth and having pride in your personal achievements in the workplace for all individuals· How vital cultural intelligence/awareness is becoming in an ever more global/internationalised business world in Dennis’ experience after travelling to and working with teams in 50 countries· “People are universes that walk”: how “mental diversity” can enable organisations to see things differently e.g. assembling a team with experience from other sectors/countriesRESOURCES & INFORMATION MENTIONEDhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/dennis-ossipov-grodsky/Continue the conversation on LinkedIn