Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

"It's not about giving all, but it's actually applying a little bit more attention and purpose towards specific groups or initiatives", Darion Cranfield, Director of Retail Program Management, & Chair of the African-American Leadership BRG at Walgreens



Leila is joined by Darion Cranfield, Director of Retail Program Management, & Chair of the African-American Leadership BRG at WalgreensTODAY YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT:- Darion's personal and professional journey. Coming from a single parent family in Chicago, where there was a lack of role models so he had to find his own way, to becoming a parent when he was 20 years old and how that shaped his professional development.- How Darion wants to enable others to be leaders, give them their chance to shine. Have real models as role models within society as well as the business.- How the BRGs at Walgreens are more than just a 'group'. They connect the business to the employees and work with them for equity and to give them a voice.- Belonging is a state of mind, its a foundational element and once you have a sense of belonging internally, others externally can start to see it.- Walgreens internship programs and how they encourage diverse applicants and put some intention behind the effort. - Darion at