Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

What masks are you wearing? EP 215



In the recent episode of "Dad Saves America" titled "How Dads Can Harness the Force," something struck a chord with me. Our guest delved into the topic of masks, specifically those worn by characters in Star Wars. It got me thinking about the stark contrast between who we are when we're "in character" and the person we become when we remove the mask. A mentor once told me about his aspiration to be the same person behind closed doors as he was in public. At the time, I didn't fully grasp the significance of his words, but now it all makes sense. I strive to embody authenticity, regardless of who's watching or not. But here's the thing: many of us don't even realize we're wearing masks, myself included. So, let me ask you: What masks do you find yourself wearing? Are there aspects of your behavior or the way you present yourself that you wish to change when nobody's looking? It's a challenging endeavor, but one worth exploring. I would love to hear from you. If you know someone looking for a Speaker workshop