Golf Strategy School Podcast

Conquering Distance Control



Today's podcast is all about a new practice routine that will help you really master your distance control.  It's become one of my favorites and will be headed straight into the Golf Strategy Academy. The Approach Ladder This is a game that is intended to be done on the course, but you can probably make it work on a driving range too.  Please remember to always do your FULL PRE SHOT ROUTINE with every shot.  This is one of the most commonly overlooked things in all of golf! The main idea here is that we practice from different distance intervals for a couple reasons.  We want to randomize our practice and make sure we are training our brain that it has to perform at it's max level on the first attempt.  The other thing we are doing is teaching ourselves not to be afraid of any shot in this series.  By experiencing tiny failures we learn how to handle them, that way when we are on the course​ it's not as intimidating and it's easier to let go of failures if they occur. Starting at 30 y