Uncomfortable Conversations With Gregory

UCWG 014: What Keeps You Engaged in Reality?



Travis felt is a life coach from California. He felt that he was trapped on a singular path as a young adult, until he discovered that he was about to rewrite his own narrative however he wanted. This lead him to question what it was he would do if he had no social pressure to follow any specific path. Travis invokes the Japanese concept of “ikigai” - combining what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for - into something resembling a purpose for the narrative in your life. Other people often impose mental barriers on us because they are either jealous or they simply do not want to accept that the way they view things is incorrect. Gregory expresses his frustration at experiencing diminishing returns in personal growth by running out of mind-altering new experiences to pursue. He challenges Travis to challenge him. Does everything you ever do have to be part of your singular life mission? Or can it just be something you philosophically support? One of Gregory’s purpo