Amber Leitz

Ep. 168: Your Next Income Level is Inevitable & Certain



Have you ever heard of a sexy wealth consciousness session?  It’s time you do, Lover. In today’s episode, I’m sharing a sexy wealth consciousness session from my program Sexy Money Codes to help you shift your relationship with money from worried & anxious to relaxed & secure.  Your next income level is inevitable & certain - and this short, sexy wealth upgrade session led by me, your erotic headmistress, is going to help convince you. I get into: An SMC session to help you step into your sexy wealth identity Learning to hold the energy of your desires being inevitable Shifting your consciousness, mindset & energy to make your money relationship wetter, better & hotter And more   Sexy Money Codes, a 12-week group program to shift your relationship with money: Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram: & on TikTok! Catch up on the blog: