Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

The Information of Emotion – Healing Fundamentals (Part 1) (Pod #563)



It can often feel like our negative emotions are the enemy and it makes sense why. When we experience negative emotions, we feel bad AND they also get in the way of us making better choices in the moment. That is why when Gary Craig created his version of tapping, he called it "Emotional Freedom Techniques" because there is such a strong human desire to escape strong negative emotions. For me, the process isn't just about escaping negative emotions, but also understanding them. Each of the negative emotions we feel is our internal guidance system trying to communicate a specific piece of information via the emotion. An understanding of what information the emotion is trying to convey makes the journey to healing and transformation so much easier! This week's podcast is the first in a new series on Healing Fundamentals that will explore the underpinnings of the transformational process. The information conveyed by our emotions is the first part of the series because I believe that it is the lynchpin in the wid