Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

283. Raj Jana: Unleashing the Potential of Relationships



I’m a massive advocate for leaning into your family and intimate relationships as catalysts for rapid transformation and growth. May 2023 has been a masterclass for me in showing up with authentic and grounded vulnerability to unleash profound levels of emotional intimacy and connection in my relationships. One of the most profound months of growth I have ever experienced. There is so much going on in my life right now, and as usual, you get a front row seat in this month’s reflection episode. Tune in now to hear Georgina and I explore: What’s possible when you choose to close one chapter of a relationship with love to intentionally create space for the nextThe power of keeping your heart open when it feels safer (or easier) to close. The 100 days of Raj challengeGiving your shame and other “prickly” emotions the space to breatheWhy mastering your interpersonal relationships begins with a commitment to self How expressing your vulnerability gives others permission to do the same Commu