Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

When the Enemy Moves Next Door – Tim Clement



You may have heard pro-abortion advocates claim that “no one really has late term abortions”, and anyone who says otherwise is just fear-mongering. If this is the case, then why do they push so hard to enshrine abortion up until birth? Today Mark is joined by Tim Clement, Outreach Director at Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust. Tim considers himself as a missionary to those in the womb, focusing on saving both on lives and souls of the affected along the way. Tim loves discipling the next generation of youth and leading outreach activism to end the genocide of the pre-born in America.  You can find out more about Tim by visiting https://Survivors.LA  Tim and Mark discuss the expansion of the Washington D.C. based DuPont Clinic, which will soon be opening up a new location, right in Tim’s backyard: Los Angeles. The DuPont Clinic offers horrible all-trimester abortions, now on both sides of the country. In the latter end of the episode, Mark speaks with Aunalisa Harrison, an upcoming intern with Created Equal.