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S3 Ep10: Was the PS4 & Xbox One Generation actually any good? (Impossible Mission 58)



In the first half of this episode, there's no dancing around this one as our eventual opinion may upset some people - so, all we can say is we intended no offence. That being said, we ask the question - Was the PS4 and Xbox One Generation a Good One? Then, in part two. Every time a new console generation rolls around the question is always asked, is this new machine back-compatible? This week on Impossible Mission, we talk about why back compatibility is more important than you think, especially for the future of games.  DEBUTED ON OUR YOUTUBE OCTOBER 2020 If you like the podcast, send some support by visiting our PATREON. Alternatively, give us a 5-star rating and/or review wherever you get your podcasts from, it helps other people find our podcast. The more feedback we have, the more people can enjoy our video games chatter.