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S3 Ep14: Let's Talk About VideoGame Music! (Impossible Mission 64)



This is a deeply cynical episode for the most cynical time of the year. I mean festive. How could I possibly confuse the two things? How very bad of me. Controversial opinions thy name is Impossible Mission. This week we talk about video game music. Then we do a 2021 videogames preview a.k.a. 8-ish games that we are looking forward to in 2021. Not much else to say about this one, it's a "does exactly what it says on the tin" type of episode. It is the last one of 2020, mind you, so hope you had a happy Christmas and have a good (& safe news year), we will *see* you again in 2021.  DEBUTED ON OUR YOUTUBE, DECEMBER 2020 If you like the podcast, send some support by visiting our PATREON. Alternatively, give us a 5-star rating and/or review wherever you get your podcasts from, it helps other people find our podcast. The more feedback we have, the more people can enjoy our video games chatter.