Heads Up Poker Podcast

141 - The Doomberg Interview pt. 2



Watch this on YouTube! Doomberg gives us his 4 policies that he would implement if we made him king. Nuclear Power Renaissance Embrace Natural Gas instead of Coal Develop American Solar Plan Plug in Hybrids over Electric Vehicles Looks good to us Doomberg for President 2024. He goes on to lay his base case for bullish uranium, and teaches us that RFK Jr's knowledge of Nuclear Power, is completely wrong. Nuclear is the cleanest, safest, most reliable and cost efficient form of energy in existence. We do not need to reinvent the wheel. We have the answer. Doomberg does not see a problem with conversion and enrichment of uranium. Even though Russia controls a large part of this market, his team envisions those molecules making their way out to whomever on the planet needs them regardless of sanctions. He supports his argument by giving an example of Russian oil. We discuss Small Modular Reactors, and new technology in the sector. But again, we have the answer. We don't need new technology, the nuclear reactors