Amber Leitz

Ep. 167: Sexy Hack for More Money



Feeling in bondage to your money situation? If you desire a money experience of security, freedom & overflow, but your current circumstances have you feeling trapped and turned off around money - this one’s for you. In today’s episode, I’m giving you my favorite hack for creating a new reality with money that’s more juicy, free, sexy & overflowing than ever (no matter what level of money you’re currently bringing in). Ready to actually shift the way you feel with your money, starting right now? I get into: My sexy hack/practice for making & keeping more money An everyday example to help you tap into the energy of overflow The MOST COMMON feelings my clients love to tap into using this practice How to get yourself out of those tricky feast or famine cycles (been there, Lover!) And more   Join us in Sexy Money Codes, a 12-week group program to shift your relationship with money: Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram: &