It's Obvious Gaming

238: Hyper Scape, Fallout TV, and Last of Us 2 Spoiler Review



Ubisoft throws their hat into the Battle Royale ring with Hyper Scape, next-gen game prices may be increasing, and a Fallout tv series is in development. We also share our spoiler-filled thoughts on The Last of Us Part 2! TIMECODES: What We’re Playing (6:38) Hyper Scape (15:08) Horizon Zero Dawn PC (30:06) Amazon’s Crucible (35:44) Game Prices Rising (43:18) WoW Reckful Memorial (57:24) Fallout TV Series (01:08:05) AskIOG (01:14:38) Last of Us Part 2 Review: (01:46:34) CONNECT WITH US: YouTube Discord Twitter Instagram Facebook Email: TAGS: Movies, Reactions, Reviews, Impressions, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC, Gaming, Video Games, Gameplay, Podcast, It's Obvious Gaming, Sony, Microsoft, Summer Games Fest, Xbox Series X