Hold Up

The Bridge On The River Kwai



Today we are going waaaaaay back in time to 1957 as we go for a long walk on a short bridge with David Lean’s, The Bridge on the River Kwai. This is a World War 2 epic about a bunch of POW’s that are captured in a dense jungle prison camp and are at odds with the camp general who has been tasked with having them build a railroad over the aforementioned bridge, over a river called “Kwai”. But why? Supplies! Anywho, this has the guy that played Obi-Wan, so that’s cool. Oh, also, it was the top-grossing film and was nominated for a smack load of awards and won most of those. Nice. But, does it hold up? Listen in as Jon, Colin, and Brent discuss camp crushes and tantric seppuku as we try to figure out if this bridge was built to last, or if it is just MADNESS!