Esp - Eryn Spencer Podcast

Storm Watch: Hearts of Fire - Series II. Episode I - "The Centuries War"



"5 Licuma, 1136 EV. One hundred years to the day the continent of Vaeltheria has been at war, and it is in the early Spring of 1136 that we begin our tale of the contingent of Royal Dragonkeepers known as the Storm Watch..." "One hundred years has the Continent of Vaeltheria been at war, with no side truly gaining ground over the other. To the North, Odror’s Irregulars rebel against the Crown, vying for independence, but at the cost of scorched earth and fascistic policies & symbolism. To the South, the recently established Vas’Kratoria, or Queen’s realm vies for control of the Continent, while simultaneously seeking to crush dissidents opposed to the recently crowned Queen Vaelyria. In a never-ending war between radical rebels and a hereditary monarchy with expansionist ambitions, it is the common folk and the citizenry on both sides that have become truly weary; melancholy... even hopeless, as the conflict drags on. With the fatigue of war setting in to an extreme level, both sides seek to decisively end t