Community Church Hong Kong Podcast

Freedom: Free to Embrace



This week, we look into how we have the freedom to embrace. In Him, we are free to embrace our identity as children of God, to embrace our uniqueness as individuals, and to embrace everyone who are different from us. As we look forward to this weekend, let us meditate on the epiphany seen in Acts 10:45: "The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles." If you are new to Community Church, WELCOME! We would love to get to know you. Please fill in the following form and we look forward to connecting with you: You can find all timely and relevant links from this service on You can also find out more about us at ================ This Week's Scripture: // Galatians 2:11-21 (NIV) // When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when t